5 key benefits m-commerce can bring to your business

We talked about the digital transformation for years. Nevertheless, there is no denying that it’s true arrival has taken some companies by surprise. 

The fact that m-commerce is the future of e-commerce is also well known to most entrepreneurs. But are they taking steps to make it as easy as possible for their customers to buy via mobile devices?

You can probably answer this question yourself. Check out what benefits m-commerce means for your business and get inspired!

1. Common access

You may not realize it, but more people in the world use smartphones than laptops or desktops. The numbers are truly impressive – that’s 3.9 billion smartphone users (according to Statista) versus just over 2 billion PCs (according to Forrester Research).

Buying via mobile devices is therefore not only more convenient and faster than using laptops, but it is also the only alternative to traditional commerce for many people around the world.

2. The growth of the Customer Experience

Mobile commerce is played by different rules than transactions made on laptops. In the case of apps, there can be no question of entering data every time or clicking through many pages to finalize a purchase.

The idea of m-commerce is to buy with just a single click. It obviously impacts  Customer Experience – and we don’t have to inform you about benefits from it.

It is also worth mentioning that mobile applications are often used as loyalty programs. M-commerce will therefore effectively support the process of building loyalty among your customers.

3. Company’s image 

In many countries online stores’ mobile applications are rare. Sure, some of the biggest players on the market offer them to their customers – but how many of them can you name?

Making your own application will show that you are meeting the needs of modern consumers. You will prove that you know their habits, as well as market trends. You will also make use of the latest technological possibilities.

You can use all this in your marketing communication and thus build a competitive advantage.

4. Attracting new customers 

Remember what we wrote above about the number of smartphone users? The conclusion is easy to draw. M-commerce = more customers for your business.

A new sales channel will give you the opportunity to reach completely new clients, in completely new markets.

All of this, of course, will also be reflected in the profits of your business. 

5. Collecting new data 

A mobile application will give you access to a lot of new data about your customers. You will be able to use it to improve your app, but also to optimize other channels in which they make purchases – e.g. traditional online store or even stationery one.

This will happen by using tools that analyze customer preferences.

AI Busters, a complex automation engine, using the benefits of artificial intelligence will analyze the comments of your mobile app users in stores like Google Play and App Store.

You can count on clear reports summarizing the content of their comments and providing tips on how to improve the application itself, but also other aspects of your business. 

The tool is also great at responding to customers’ feedback – analysis is just a part of its skills. 


According to the data collected in the report E-commerce in Poland 2020, 73% of Internet users have shopped online in 2020, and 69% of people declare that they buy using mobile devices.

Everything indicates that these numbers will grow year by year. So it’s definitely worth getting started as soon as possible!

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