6 most common customer service mistakes

Clients expectations towards customer service are skyrocketing. What’s more, they realize perfectly well that if a company fails to meet their demands, they will find satisfactory solutions elsewhere.

How to rise to the challenge? Start to improve customer service in your organization by identifying areas that could work better. Below you will find a list of the most common customer service mistakes and tips on how to eliminate them.

1. Limited number of communication channels

In many companies, even despite the e-mail address provided on the website, customer service is limited to the hotline. Meanwhile, customers want to use the solutions that help them to  communicate on a daily basis. In addition to the hotline and email, add also different channels – for example a  live chat on the website or Messenger.

It’s also very important not to send customers from one channel to the other. If the first interaction took place via a chat – the last one should also take place there.

2. Too long response time

The 21st century is a time of immediate information finding. The endless waiting on the hotline should become a thing of the past – modern customers would definitely like to forget about it. Like about refreshing their inbox constantly in the hope of a reply.

Solution? Automation, thanks to which the client will receive an answer immediately or will be automatically redirected to the most competent employee.

3. Lack of personalization 

And it’s not about addressing the client by name. Personalization is much more – it is mainly knowledge about the solutions used by a client and of his previous problems or interactions with your brand. It’s also the fact that he or she wouldn’t have to give out his/her full data every time he/she makes contact.

Advanced automation engines like AI Busters will make such situations a thing of the past. They gather all the necessary information about the customer in one place, and then use it by sending personalized answers or response suggestions – automatically.

4. Lack of sufficient knowledge about the offered products/solutions

This happens especially in the case of industries offering software, insurance or other complex solutions. When a client encounters an incompetent employee, he/she is usually redirected to another person or, even worse, receives an incorrect response to his/her question. Both situations have a negative impact on his/her satisfaction with the service.

This problem will be eliminated thanks to the creation of a knowledge base that will be used by artificial intelligence. Based on it, it will create personalized suggestions for answers, and automatically start conversations with the most competent consultant.

5. An incomprehensible language

Customer service should first and foremost be effective. Unfortunately, it is not, when communication barriers arise.

The solution is to develop communication standards. However, employees may not always follow them – and this is completely natural. Artificial intelligence, by creating answers or suggestions based on previously developed dictionaries, will effectively prevent such situations.

6. Lack of development of customer service employees

When work is for consultants only a place to perform repetitive duties, and not to develop themselves professionally, both them and clients suffer. Are you wondering how the implementation of automation can help in this matter?

It’s easy. Artificial intelligence can take over the repetitive part of their duties. Moreover, it may suggest responses to customer requests – if you decide that consultants should respond to them. In the time saved, they will be able to take on more complex tasks that really require creativity. They will also find time for professional development and learn how to use automation tools, which will increase their competences.


Companies are looking for more and more effective solutions in the field of customer service – thus increasing not only customer satisfaction, but also the efficiency of many other processes in the organization. This is possible thanks to automation and artificial intelligence. 

Thanks to them:

  • The time of analyzing a single message in your company will be less than 30 seconds.
  • The response time will increase by up to 10 times.
  • Productivity of customer service employees will increase 5 times.

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