9 key rules to follow when writing with clients

As many as 68% of consumers believe that polite consultants are a key issue when it comes to effective customer service. You need to realize that this is the basic factor that customers pay attention to when corresponding with your company.

However, this is not the only thing that matters. Customer satisfaction is influenced by many elements that together create a coherent and effective correspondence.

Learn about universal rules that will help you and your team improve communication with clients. 

1. Take advantage of personalization

Customers can feel when they interact with automatic messages, which are received by everyone who contacts your company’s service department. As you can imagine that this is not a positive thing for their experience

Does this mean that consultants should personally reply to each inquiry? 

Of course not. However, you can make these messages personalized – even if they aren’t answered by people. All thanks to artificial intelligence, which thoroughly analyzes customer inquiries and the history of their interactions with your brand and creates the messages on this basis.

2. Answer as soon as possible 

Preferably immediately. It is possible thanks to automation,  which will shorten the response time in your company at least 10 times.

The automatic redirection of inquiries to the most competent employees will also help you speed up the response. This is also one of the functions of AIBusters.

3. Use understandable language

Simple solutions are the best. Also when it comes to the style of communication. Use clear phrases so that customers have no doubts about the actions you are taking. This way you will also avoid unnecessary prolongation of correspondence.

Regardless of whether you are creating a dictionary for artificial intelligence or guidelines for consultants, choose words and constructions that will be understood by everyone.

Learn also about 9 reasons why your consultants should write to clients.

4. Use clear message topics 

A topic in the form of a sequence of numbers that is incomprehensible to the client will not work here. 

If you communicate by email, customers should not have the slightest doubt about what the message is about. Otherwise, they may ignore it and consider your service ineffective.

5. Thank customers for their messages

„Thank you for your message !!” at the beginning of the message can significantly change the customer’s attitude – even if it is initially unfavorable. 

This way, you show that the customer’s report is important to you and that it can contribute to the development of your company.

6. Describe the solution to the problem 

Customers need to know you are taking good care of their report. 

They will be sure of that when you describe to them what steps will be taken by your company or what actions they must undertake to solve a given problem.

7. Be understanding

Empathy in customer service is extremely important. Let customers know that you understand that the situation they are facing is unpleasant for them – and you are working to resolve the issue they are reporting as soon as possible.

8. Take care of punctuation, style and spelling

These are the basics, but some people forget about them. Spelling mistakes can negatively affect the image of your company.

So encourage your employees to use spelling checkers – after all, not everyone has to be a spelling master.

You can also rely on artificial intelligence with this, which will certainly not make a typo when typing in a hurry.

9. Take care of the signature and footer

It is not only about nice graphics, but most of all information, thanks to which the customer will be able to easily contact your company again. He/she should also have no doubts who he/she is talking to.


The key to effective correspondence is the combination of automation and the work of properly trained consultants. Remember that customers expect efficiency from the service – but the image  of your company may be affected by such „trifles” as a spelling mistake in the text of the message or a rude employee.

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